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Woodborough Gloucestershire

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Woodborough Gloucestershire

BirthJune 1989
DeathNovember 2021 (onset of the Problem, Super Death included)
CareerInternet Salesman
Known fordying

Woodborough Gloucestershire was a problem that occurred during The Wrong Days.

Originally a person of typical fertility living his life in Bristol, England, he began to garner an animosity toward a childhood friend named Kevin Skittersby in late 2019. The timing for this turned out to be poor, as the faulty time loop created by the Stressed Out Society to defeat the Hand of Fate led to the -17.1 timeline to be set on a path for falsehood.

This lack of stability in the source sent curtains of quantum and interdimensional energy through lifeforms and matter previously unaffected and inflicted a potent mixture of Sterility and Anility into Woodborough's essence, unknowingly forcing upon him his ability, "Run That Body Down." Its effects were unknown until a fight with Kevin Skittersby became physical. Kevin, who had unknowingly become highly extrafertile, met his fist with Woodborough's face, and the reaction of the two energies exposed a weakness in the innate firewall of three dimensional space centered on the Earth's core. It was at this point when "Run That Body Down" activated and The Woodborough Gloucestershire Problem began.

While Woodborough was physically killed AND granted Super Death, his anile signature wrote itself into the errors in the source of first the British Isles and soon the entire planet - a last-ditch defensive mechanism for a super-dead being. While no consciousness and no perceptible soul remained, a never-ending, impenetrable, two-dimensional image of Woodborough appeared at the uneven dividing lines of the growing glitches in -17.1 and +17.1 with increasing severity as May 21st, 2021 (the end of said realities' Imaginary Plane true coordinates) approached.

This glitch became a significant problem for The Chosen One, Kyle Mendez, as the end neared.