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Sterility is the opposite of Fertility.


Sources of Sterility are often places devoid of life: barren islands, salt flats, frozen mountain peaks, even the vast and otherwise empty depths of space.

Sterility is both a source and natural consequence of corruption. One of the prime examples of this is how tea can be rendered extrasterile by oversteeping, a process that is to some a corruption as it is to others a consecration.


Places affected by sterility tend to be barren and abandoned, and are often unable to sustain life. In extreme cases, high concentrations of sterility can cause the formation of a nadir.


Users of sterility seem to be able to tap into the fundamental forces governing the universe: Sterility Techniques often entail compressing or expanding space, with some even making use of the strong interaction.

Prominent users of sterility techniques include Nuck Chorris, King Arthur, and Tim McLeod.


Sterility interacts with Fertility as described here.

Sterility is negated when coming into contact with Virility, with seemingly no effect beyond the two simply ceasing to be.

Sterility does not interact with Anility at all.