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King Arthur

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King Arthur

NameBrenin Arthur
Birth-17i+435j (allegedly)
AbilityThe Water is Me, and I am the Water
ChildrenOver 1,000,000,000
Known forTea


SpeciesAlaskan King Crab
ProvenancePacific Ocean;
Welsh (naturalised)

King Arthur is a sentient Alaskan king crab and C.H.E.S. founding member and Grand Master. He is not to be confused with the famous historical figure of the same name, who was named after him.

Personality and Traits

His favourite beverage is algae tea. When and how exactly he gained sentience and how he manages to turn algae into tea is still disputed.

It would seem that his crab physiology has rendered him immune to at least one of the side effects of sterility: despite being one of the most sterile C.H.E.S. members, second only perhaps to Nuck Chorris himself, he yet retains his ability to conceive children.

King Arthur speaks 6 languages: Welsh, Cornish, Breton, Scottish-Gaelic, Pictish, and Faroese (as well as historical variants of these languages). He staunchly refuses to learn English as he considers it ‘the language of the barbarians who invaded our homeland’.


The name he is usually referred to as in English, ‘King Arthur’, is a translation of his Welsh name Brenin Arthur; unlike his name might suggest, he is not actually a king: it just so happens that his first name is ‘Brenin’ (Welsh for ‘king’). Higher-ranking Grand Masters, especially Nuck, who considers him one of his only friends, usually call him by that name. Other C.H.E.S. members tend to call him ‘Lord Arthur’.