GamBABY Jam ALL STAR EDITION is an American reality television show created and hosted by Jeffrey Meena. The show features aspiring child rappers from the Gambia and Senegal.
Prominent Contenders
- Bastard Son Buba
- Dagger Medley
- Seth Ahmed Lime
Controversy ("What children?")
Controversy has erupted several times relating to this show and its executive producer, Jeffrey Meena.
In mid 2019, after the massacre at the series premiere, allegations spread that the deaths there were caused by officials of the presidential campaign of Meena himself in order to give him media attention and sympathy with the voters.
In November of 2019, the kidnapping of American child Demarcus Leone and the subsequent appearance of a child who looked nearly identical to him supposedly named Dagger Medley, caused a stir among the conspiracy community. Conspiracy adherents believed that Meena was hiring agents to capture and brainwash children for the show.
After Jeffrey Meena won the 2020 presidential election, the show was immediately cancelled, reinforcing the conspiracy theory. News outlets deemed the theory to be "racist" and its coverage on the news was quickly suppressed. Little did the general public know Meena's true intentions.